Friday, May 12, 2006

STIRR 2 ...a success!

STIRR mixer 2 wrapped up on Wednesday night...and it was another success. We had continued sponsorship interest, packed the house and only had one real snafu...the wireless microphone didn't work, so had a 25 minute delay before we were able to locate a replacement. There are a number of flickr pics being tagged 'stirr' now as well. Here is a group of 268 pics.

One of our presenters, Jumpcut, has provided some video and you can use their remix feature and edit away. I'm wandering around, lost, behind the speaker about 40% of the way through the video. Enjoy!

[Update: Here's the Valleywag update of the event.]


Anonymous said...

woohoo! go sean go! and while you're at it, change your avatar, he looks way too thin and emaciated!

Anonymous said...

woohoo! go sean go! and while you're at it, change your avatar, he looks way too thin and emaciated!