How did you spend your last Friday evening? Mine started out quite well! I arrived home from work and dinner was all prepared. Once I changed, we began to eat. Our first response was...this wine isn't so good. It was an extremely cheap bottle, so we dumped it down the drain and then decided to open up something from a trip to Sonoma a year and a half ago: a 2001
Laurel Glen Counterpoint Cabernet Sonoma Mountain. I poured two glasses and we dug in. I heard Cammy give a yelp and a then a scream. She said that there was a worm in her wine. I took the glass, looked inside and my first thought was that it was some cork floating. Since the light by the couch was dark, I went into the kitchen to scoop the cork out with a spoon. Upon doing so, I quickly noticed that she was right, it was a bug. A nice wine-pickled Silverfish. Ugh! Yuck! Phooey! DISGUSTING! How the hell did that get there? What kind of an operation does Laurel Glen run? Uggggggggghhhhhh! This bottle, too, is dumped down the drain and we both pledged to never drink Laurel Glen again...
Oh...if you don't know what a
Silverfish looks like, see below:
Eewww... yuck! How did that silverfish get into the bottle??? Did Cammy drink any of it before she realized the silverfish in her glass? That was nasty! OK, no Laurel Glen Counterpoint Cabernet for us either!
The only way we think that it could have gotten in there was during the barreling process. The dixie cup was missing. She did take a sip before she saw it. Bad way to start a Friday night...
I guess it's extra "protein" for Cammy then! =p
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